University of Kashmir
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Head Of Department's Message
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List of Research Publications
Research Glimpse
Research Projects
Ongoing Projects
Completed Projects
Consultancy Projects
Research Projects Staff
Geomatics Lab
Advanced GIS Lab
RS and GIS lab
Air Quality Lab
Himalayan Cryospheric Research Lab
Batch 2023
Batch 2022
Batch 2021
Batch 2020
Batch 2019
Batch 2018
Batch 2017
Batch 2016
Batch 2015
Batch 2014
Batch 2013
Batch 2012
Batch 2011
Batch 2010
M.Sc. Geoinformatics-2019 onwards
Entrance Syllabus for Integrated Ph.D. Geoinformatics
Entrance Syllabus for M.Sc. Geoinformatics
M.Sc. Geoinformatics BATCH-2017
Revised-CBCS-Syllabus M.Sc. Geoinformatics BATCH-2015
CBCS M.Sc. Geoinformatics BATCH-2014
M.Sc. Geoinformatics (Old Structure)
Field Projects
Teachers with Ph.D
Teacher awards
List of Mentors and Mentees_2019-2023
Contractual Teachers
Exam Result Details
Teachers using ICT fac.
Infrastructure and Learning Resources
C1A-Class Room 1
C2B-Class Room 2
RS & GIS Lab
Advanced Geomatics Lab
Himalayan Cryosphere Research Lab
Air Quality Lab
Geomatics Lab
Head Room
Faculty Chambers
Number of Computers available for students
No. of computers
LCD Projectors
Purchase Bill of Books
Purchase Bill of PCs and Xerox machine
Total number of books
National level exam qualified by students( NET/ GATE)
PhD Fellowships provided by Government and non- government bodies year-wise during last 5years
Alumni List
Alumni List
Register as Alumni
Alumni List
Advertisement Notice-CoE; Dated: 30-9-2024
Alumni-Cum-Farewell Meet-2024; Dated: 27-9-2024
Time Table for M.Sc. Ist and 3rd Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 24-9-2024
Classwork of Ist sem batch 2024; Dated: 10-9-2024
Notice regarding the inaugral of 3 week capacity building on glaciology; Dated: 30-8-2024
Permission for participation in workshops, conferences and Field surveys; Dated: 19-8-2024
PhD viva voce of Ms. Sadaf Altaf Bakshi; Dated: 12-8-2024
Advertisement Notice; Dated: 8-8-2024
Time Table for M.Sc.3rd Semester-batch23 Geoinformatics; Dated: 5-8-2024
Classwork 3rd semester batch 2023; Dated: 5-8-2024
Allotment of supervisors for dissertation work of 3rd sem, batch 2023; Dated: 5-8-2024
Datasheet for M.Sc Geoinformatics 4th Sem Batch 2022; Dated: 3-7-2024
Datasheet for M.Sc Geoinformatics 2nd Sem Batch 2023; Dated: 3-7-2024
Subject-wise shortage list of candidates of 4th semester (2022batch); Dated: 2-7-2024
Subject-wise shortage list of candidates of 2nd semester (2023batch); Dated: 2-7-2024
Datasheet for GE Course of PG 4th Sem Batch 2022; Dated: 1-7-2024
Datasheet for GE Course of PG 2nd Sem Batch 2023; Dated: 20-6-2024
3-Week Capacity Building Program in Glaciology-2024; Dated: 4-6-2024
Notice Regarding synopsis presentation of I.Ph.D Scholars; Dated: 29-5-2024
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Mr. Mohd Saleem and Mr. Umar Amin, I.Ph.D Scholars; Dated: 29-5-2024
Interaction of exempted PhD candidates for their admission in PhD.; Dated: 21-5-2024
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Ms. Shaheena Gulam, I.Ph.D Scholar; Dated: 15-5-2024
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Mr. Aazim Yousef, I.Ph.D Scholar; Dated: 1-5-2024
Revised DRC Notification schedule NO.1 OF 2024; Dated: 10-5-2024
DRC Notification schedule NO.1 OF 2024; Dated: 19-4-2024
Revised Time Table for M.Sc. 2nd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 28-3-2024
Walk-in-interview for the position of Project Assosiate-1; Dated: 8-3-2024
Rescheduled Interview Notice for the appointment of various project positions; Dated: 7-3-2024
Time Table for M.Sc. 2nd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics.; Dated: 28-2-2024
Advertisement Notice-II of 2024 for Project Assistant (PA); Dated: 7-2-2024
Advertisement Notice-CoE; Dated: 5-2-2024
PhD viva voce of Mrs.Ulfat Majeed; Dated: 22-1-2024
Extension of Dissertation submission of M.Sc Geoinformatics 4th Semester; Dated: 15-12-2023
Date Sheet for Ist Semester (Batch 2023); Dated: 15-12-2023
Date Sheet for 3rd Semester (Batch 2022); Dated: 5-12-2023
Shortage of GE candidates of Ist semester (2023batch); Dated: 30-11-2023
Dissertation submission of M.Sc Geoinformatics 4th Sem; Dated: 23-11-2023
Guest Lecture on "Himalayan Glaciers: What are they upto?"; Dated: 10-11-2023
Revised Timetable for M.Sc. 1st, 3rd and 4th Sem-2023; Dated: 30-10-2023
Date Sheet I.Ph.D. course work examination batch 2022; Dated: 30-10-2023
Time Table for M.Sc. Ist, 3rd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 17-10-2023
Date Sheet for M.Sc Geoinformatics 4th Sem (2021); Dated: 6-10-2023
Notice regarding the inaugral of 3 week capacity building on glaciology; Dated: 8-9-2023
Advertisement Notice-II; Dated: 30-8-2023
Date Sheet for GE/OE of 4th Semester (Batch 2021); Dated: 31-8-2023
Advertisement Notice; Dated: 24-8-2023
Time Table for M.Sc. Ist, 3rd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 11-8-2023
PhD viva voce of Mr. Abdul Waheed Shah; Dated: 11-8-2023
Classwork of Ist semester batch 2023; Dated: 10-8-2023
Classwork 3rd semester batch 2022; Dated: 4-8-2023
Time Table for M.Sc.3rd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 4-8-2023
Date Sheet for GI19204CR-2nd Semester (Batch 2022); Dated: 26-7-2023
Allotment of supervisors for dissertation work of 3rd sem, batch 2022; Dated: 25-7-2023
3-Week Capacity Building Program in Glaciology; Dated: 17-7-2023
Subject-wise shortage list of candidates of 2nd semester (2022batch); Dated: 3-7-2023
Date Sheet for 2nd Semester (Batch 2022); Dated: 3-7-2023
Date Sheet for GE/OE of 2nd Semester (Batch 2022); Dated: 28-6-2023
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Ms. Mailk Munazah and Mr. Ubair Yaseen, I.Ph.D Scholars; Dated: 14-6-2023
Selection notification for Ph.D admission, Session 2022-23; Dated: 1-6-2023
Selection notification for Ph.D admission, Session 2022-23 (Dean Notification); Dated: 1-6-2023
Examination Notice for 3rd sem (2021batch); Dated: 30-5-2023
Revised DRC Notification-I; Dated: 17-5-2023
Pre-submission Seminar of Mrs.Ulfat Majeed; Dated: 25-4-2023; Dated: 17-5-2023
Rescheduled Pre-submission Seminar of Mrs. Midhat Fayaz; Dated: 17-5-2023
Notification regarding One day workshop on "Earth Observations for Climate Services"; Dated: 1-5-2023
One day workshop on "Earth Observations for Climate Services"; Dated: 1-5-2023
Pre-submission Seminar of Mrs. Midhat Fayaz; Dated: 25-4-2023
Notice Regarding 4th semester (batch 2020) Dissertation presentation and viva-voce; Dated: 7-4-2023
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Mr. Mustafa Hamid Bhat, I.Ph.D Scholar; Dated: 5-4-2023
Time Table for M.Sc.2nd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 5-4-2023
Practical Examination Notice for 3rd Sem Geoinformatics, Batch 2021; Dated: 1-4-2023
GUEST LECTURE : on "Working at the limit: How thermodynamics shapes the Earth system”; Dated: 29-3-2023
Dissertation Extension notice for the PG students of Batch 2020; Dated: 28-3-2023
Date sheet for Examination of 3rd Semester 2021 batch; Dated: 10-3-2023
Notice Regarding Monthly research progress report; Dated: 7-3-2023
Notice Regarding synopsis of I.Ph.D students; Dated: 23-2-2023
DRC Notification schedule NO.1 OF 2023; Dated: 21-2-2023
Notice Regarding Interaction cum counselling for the candidates who have qualified Integrated Ph.D entrance test; Dated: 21-2-2023
Notice Regarding Dissertation submission of 4th Semester batch 2020; Dated: 16-2-2023
Time Table for M.Sc. 2nd, 3rd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 14-2-2023
Notice Regarding classwork of 2nd and 4th Sem Geoinformatics; Dated: 14-2-2023
Notice Regarding Departmental Research Committee; Dated: 10-2-2023
Notice Regarding Departmental Committee/ Departmental Research Committee; Dated: 8-2-2023
Synopsis of project work for M.Sc. 3rd semester students Batch 2021; Dated: 8-2-2023
Circular-List of books for supply to the Department of Geoinformatics; Dated: 8-2-2023
Date sheet for Practical Examination of Ist Semester 2022 batch; Dated: 11-1-2023
Date sheet for Practical Examination of 4th Semester 2020 batch; Dated: 11-1-2023
Date sheet for Examination of 4th Semester 2020 batch; Dated: 15-12-2022
Date sheet for Examination of Ist Semester 2022 batch; Dated: 15-12-2022
Notice Regarding Departmental Committee; Dated: 8-12-2022
Allotment of supervisors for dissertation work of 3rd sem, batch 2021; Dated: 22-9-2022
DATESHEET OG/GE of 1st Sem (2022); Dated: 8-12-2022
Notice regrading allocation of Labs; Dated: 29-11-2022
Winter School in Geospatial Science and Technology (Level 1); Dated: 24-11-2022
Meeting Notice regarding organization of Winter school in Geospatial Science and Technology; Dated: 24-11-2022
Time Table for Integrated PhD Geoinformatics; Dated: 24-11-2022
Time Table for M.Sc.1st, 3rd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 23-11-2022
Advertisement Notice for the Positions of JRF and Technical Assistant; Dated: 18-11-2022
Datesheet for Examination of GE Course 4th Semester 2020 batch; Dated: 14-11-2022
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Ms. Seerat Magray, I.Ph.D Scholar; Dated: 9-11-2022
Notice Regarding examination of Dissertation/term work of M.Sc Geoinformatics (batch 2020).; Dated: 20-10-2022
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Mr. Mustafa Hameed Bhat, I.Ph.D Scholar; Dated: 17-10-2022
Time Table for M.Sc.1st, 3rd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 6-10-2022
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Mr. Ummer Amin Shah, I.Ph.D Scholar; Dated: 6-10-2022
Result Notification of Dr. Mudasir Ahmad Bhat; Dated: 26-9-2022
Date sheet for Practical Examination of 2nd Semester 2021 batch; Dated: 19-9-2022
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Ms. Sheikh Aneaus, I.Ph.D Scholar; Dated: 8-9-2022
Time Table for M.Sc.1st and 4th Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 1-9-2022
Date sheet for Examination of 2nd Semester 2021 batch; Dated: 31-8-2022
Time Table for M.Sc. Ist, 2nd, and 4th Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 26-8-2022
Datesheet OE/GE courses of 2nd semester (regular); Dated: 24-8-2022
Classwork of Ist semester Geoinformatics batch 2022; Dated: 17-8-2022
Viva Voce of Mr. Mudasir Ahmad Bhat, Ph.D. Scholar; Dated: 8-8-2022
Notice Regarding pre-submission of Ms. Ulfat Majeed, I.Ph.D Scholar; Dated: 2-8-2022
Notice Regarding Departmental Committee on 29 July 2022; Dated: 28-7-2022
Time Table for M.Sc. 2nd, and 4th Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 1-8-2022
Date sheet for practical examination of 3rd Semester 2020 batch; Dated: 15-7-2022
Result Notification of Dr. Jasia Bashir; Dated: 15-7-2022
Subject-wise shortage list of candidates of 3rd semester (2020batch); Dated: 30-6-2022
Date sheet for Examination of 3rd Semester 2020 batch; Dated: 28-6-2022
Notice regarding extended dissertation submission and final viva-voce of 4th Semester batch 2019; Dated: 28-6-2022
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Ms. Malik Munazah, I.Ph.D Scholar; Dated: 28-6-2022
Viva Voce of Ms. Jasia Bashir Ph.D. Scholar; Dated: 7-6-2022
Notice Regarding Quarterly Progress Report (QPR); Dated: 30-5-2022
Date sheet for Examination of OE/GE courses of 3rd Semester 2020 batch; Dated: 27-5-2022
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Ms. Midhat Fayaz, I.Ph.D Scholar; Dated: 26-5-2022
Notice Regarding Dissertation submission of 4th Semester batch 2019; Dated: 20-5-2022
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Ms. Ainus Saba Qazi, I.Ph.D Scholar; Dated: 12-5-2022
Time Table for M.Sc. 2nd, and 3rd Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 11-5-2022
Date sheet for Practical Examination of Ist Semester 2021 batch; Dated: 6-5-2022
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation of Ms. Ainus Saba Qazi, I.Ph.D Scholar; Dated: 5-5-2022
Notice Regarding Departmental Committee on 22 April 2022; Dated: 21-4-2022
Date sheet for Examination of Ist Semester 2021 batch; Dated: 7-4-2022
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation and..; Dated: 7-4-2022
Subject-wise shortage list of candidates of Ist semester (2021batch); Dated: 7-4-2022
Notice Regarding Quarterly research progress presentation; Dated: 30-3-2022
Datesheet OE/GE courses of 1st semester (regular); Dated: 17-3-2022
REVISED DRC NOTIFICATION NO.1 OF 2022; Dated: 8-3-2022
Notice Regarding presentation, Synopsis of project work for M.Sc. 3rd semester students Batch 2021; Dated: 24-2-2022
Postponed date of DRC for Batch 2021-2022; Dated: 14-1-2022
postponed date of exam of M.Sc Geoinformatics 4th Semester; Dated: 14-1-2022
Provisional List of Candidates who have Qualified Entrance Test for Ph.D Programme of Session 2021-2022 are Called for DRC meeting for Interaction cum Counselling; Dated: 14-1-2022
DRC NOTIFICATION NO. 1 OF 2022; Dated: 11-1-2022
Rescheduled Date of Postponed Papers for students of 2nd and 4th Semester; Dated: 10-1-2022
Notice Regarding Presentation for I.Ph.D Batch 2020; Dated: 23-12-2021
Notice Regarding Semester Examination of 2nd Semester Students Batch 2020; Dated: 15-12-2021
Notice Regarding Final Semester Examination of 4th Semester students Batch 2019; Dated: 15-12-2021
Notice Regarding e-Tender under DST Sponsored "PURSE" Program; Dated: 10-12-2021
Notice Regarding submission of Synopsis for Ph.D Scholors Batch 2020; Dated: 30-11-2021
Time Table for M.Sc. 1st , 2nd, and 4th Semester Geoinformatics -- 2021; Dated: 18-11-2021
Notice Regarding Class work for OE/GE of 1st Semester Students Batch 2021; Dated: 18-11-2021
Notice Regarding examination of FIELDWORK for students of 4th Semester M.Sc. Geoinformatics Batch 2019; Dated: 27-10-2021
Walk - in - Interview for various positions under DST-sponsored CoE for Glacial Studies in Western Himalaya; Dated: 18-10-2021
Notice Regarding Classwork for M.Sc. students of 1st, 2nd and 4th semester of the Geoinformatics Department; Dated: 5-10-2021
GUEST LECTURE : topic “UAV-Based Survey of Glaciers in Himalayas: Challenges and Recommendations”; Dated: 17-9-2021
Walk - in - Interview for various positions under sponsored research projects; Dated: 14-9-2021
Notice Regarding Date Sheet of GE/OE for 4th semester students batch 2019; Dated: 1-9-2021
Notice Regarding Dissertation/Project Work, to be held on 28th Aug 2021 for 4th Semester M.Sc. Geoinformatics 2018; Dated: 24-8-2021
Notice Regarding Examination of the Dissertation/Project Work of all the concerned students of 3rd semester M. Sc. Geoinformatics batch 2019; Dated: 11-8-2021
Dissertation Extension notice for all the PG students of Batch 2018 (Outgoing 4th Semester) Students; Dated: 9-8-2021
Time Table for M.Sc. 2nd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics – 2021; Dated: 29-7-2021
Time Table for M.Sc. 2nd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics – 2021; Dated: 30-6-2021
Notice Regarding pending admission fee deposit of 3rd and 4th semester students Batch 2018, M.Sc Geoinformatics; Dated: 16-6-2021
Time Table for M.Sc. 2nd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics – 2021; Dated: 16-6-2021
Notice Regarding class work for 2nd and 4th semester students of the Geoinformatics program; Dated: 16-6-2021
Notice Regarding dissertation for all the outgoing student of 4th Semester M.Sc. Geoinformatics (2018 Batch); Dated: 9-6-2021
Notice/Schedule Regarding Presentation of Quarterly Research Progress report/seminar before DRC for the registered Research Scholars of Ph.D./Integrated Ph.D; Dated: 29-5-2021
Date Sheet for 1st semester Geoinformatics students (batch 2020) : Final Semester Examination; Dated: 15-5-2021
Date Sheet for 1st semester Geoinformatics students (batch 2020) : OE/GE courses; Dated: 11-5-2021
Date Sheet for 3rd semester Geoinformatics students (batch 2019) : OE/GE courses; Dated: 10-5-2021
Time Table for M.Sc. Ist and 4th Semester Geoinformatics – 2021; Dated: 28-4-2021
NOTICE (ONLINE INTERACTION) for those students who have qualified the Integrated Ph.D. Entrance Test in Geoinformatics declared on 24th March 2021; Dated: 27-4-2021
DRC Notification No. 2 of 2021 :Seminar Presentation Schedule for Ph.D. & Integrated Ph.D. Students in Geoinformatics; Dated: 27-4-2021
Notice Regarding Interaction Meeting for who have qualified Integrated Ph.D entrance test in March 2021; Dated: 20-4-2021
Notice Regarding walk-in-interview for filling up vacant positions; Dated: 17-4-2021
Department Research Committee (DRC) Schedule of Ph.D./Integrated Ph.D. for Quarterly Research Progress report Presentation; Dated: 8-4-2021
Notice Regarding Departmental Committee Meeting (DC) to be held on 9th April, 2021; Dated: 8-4-2021
Date Sheet for 4th semester Geoinformatics students (batch 2018); Dated: 3-4-2021
Date Sheet for 3rd semester Geoinformatics students (batch 2019); Dated: 3-4-2021
Notice Regarding DRC to be held on 2nd April,2021; Dated: 1-4-2021
Notice Regarding Scholarship viz. JRF & BSR Fellowships; Dated: 24-3-2021
Revised Advertisement Notice for the Walk-in-Interview for filling up the vacant positions of two Research Fellows under RUSA project; Dated: 17-3-2021
Advertisement Notice for the Walk-in-Interview for filling up the vacant positions of two Research Fellows under RUSA project; Dated: 16-3-2021
Revised Time Table for M.Sc. 1st, 3rd and 4th Semester : w.e.f .9th March, 2021:; Dated: 10-3-2021
Notice Regarding online Examination Form Link for 3rd Semester Batch 2019; Dated: 4-3-2021
Advertisement Notice for the Position of JRF Sanctioned by DST-SERB, Govt. of India; Dated: 2-3-2021
Notice Regarding online Examination Form Link for 3rd Semester Batch 2019; Dated: 26-2-2021
Notice Regarding DRC, to be held on 26th Feb 2021; Dated: 24-2-2021
Notice Regarding online Examination Form Link for 4th Semester Batch 2018; Dated: 24-2-2021
Time Table for OE/GE Courses for the Ongoing Semesters: Batch 2020, 2019 & 2018; Dated: 19-2-2021
Time Table for M.Sc. 1st, 3rd and 4th Semester : w.e.f .10th Feb,2021:; Dated: 9-2-2021
Notice Regarding DRC, to be held on 29th Jan 2021; Dated: 28-1-2021
Advertisement Notice for the Positions of JRF and Technical Assistant; Dated: 27-1-2021
Notice Regarding DRC, to be held on 15th Jan 2021; Dated: 13-1-2021
Walk In Interview for Contractual Lecturer positions in the Department of Geoinformatics for Academic Session 2020-21.; Dated: 26-12-2020
Revised Time Table for M.Sc. Ist, 3rd and 4th Semester Geoinformatics; Dated: 26-12-2020
Notification Regarding Accommodation in Girls Hostel; Dated: 23-12-2020
Revised DRC Notification; Dated: 16-12-2020
Revised Time Table for M.Sc. 1st, 3rd and 4th Semester Students Geoinformatics; Dated: 9-12-2020
Notice Regarding Seminar Presentation & RPAC in Response to Extension to the Research Scholars; Dated: 8-12-2020
Inauguration Ceremony of Centre of Excellence in Glacial Studies established by DST under Climate Change Programme at the University of Kashmir; Dated: 1-12-2020
Time Table for M.Sc. 1st , 3rd and 4th Semester Students Geoinformatics; Dated: 1-12-2020
Notice Regarding Class Work of 1st semester M.Sc. (Geoinformatics) Students Batch, 2020.; Dated: 30-11-2020
Notice Regarding Synopsis Presentation pertaining to the dissertation work for 3rd Semester Students Batch (2019).; Dated: 19-11-2020
Notice Regarding Quarterly Research Progress report / seminar for registered Research Scholars o f Ph.D./ Integrated Ph.D : (DRC) Meeting.; Dated: 19-11-2020
Notice Regarding outstanding of books by students/scholars/others from Departmental Library.; Dated: 13-11-2020
Notice Regarding Examination of Dissertation/Term work for 3rd Semester Batch 2018,Geoinformatics Students; Dated: 10-10-2020
Time Table for M.Sc. 3rd and 4th semester (Geoinformatics)-2020; Dated: 11-9-2020
Advertisement Notice; Dated: 9-9-2020
Notice for M.Sc. Geoinformatics students (batch-2018); Dated: 7-9-2020
Ph.D admission notification for candidates exempted from Ph.D entrance test 2020; Dated: 1-9-2020
selection notification for Ph.D admission, Session 2020-21; Dated: 8-8-2020
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